Update on Preparations Containing Cannabidiol

On 23 May 2019, the Minister of Health published Notice no. 756 – Exclusion of certain preparations containing cannabidiol (CBD) from operation of certain provisions of the medicines and related substances act 1965 (Act 101 of 1965) Click here to access Government Notice no. 756

Based on CTFA’s engagement with the Department of Health:

“b) preparations containing cannabidiol that consists of processed products made from cannabis raw plant material and processed product where only the naturally occurring cannabinoids found in the source material are contained in the product, and which contain not more than 0,001% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and not more than 0,075% of total cannabidiol (CBD)”

  • The ingredient must not be sourced from the flowering or fruiting top of the plant (or the whole plant where the flowering or fruiting top remains intact for processing – including “hemp” varieties).
  • The ingredient must not contain more than 0.001% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
  • The total cannabidiol (CBD) level of the ingredient must not exceed 0.075%.

We will endeavour to keep you informed on future development.

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