Proposed Animal Testing Ban in South Africa Update

In December 2017 the proposal to amend the Animal Protection Bill, to prohibit the sale and manufacturing of cosmetics that were tested on an animal in the Republic; criminalise the testing of cosmetics on animals and criminalise the failure to provide an animal with an appropriate environment and related matters, was published by a private member of parliament. The Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries (DAFF) are responsible for animal welfare in South Africa, however, have no reach into cosmetic regulation.

The Department of Health (DOH) are the department responsible for cosmetic regulation in South Africa, however, there was no consultation with regards to the proposed amendment Bill. CTFA submitted commentary on behalf of the cosmetic industry, highlighting various concerns including; a single regulation under the Department of Health, regulatory clarity and alignment with international best practice/regulations. In line with our global commitment for regulatory convergence, both the CTFA and Cosmetics Europe aligned on commentary submitted.

Click here to access CTFA Letter to Parliament.

Following the published Amendment Bill in the Government Gazette and the comments submitted by CTFA and various other interested parties, the legislative process will ensue.
The legislative process will include:

  • the Amendment Bill being vetted by a Parliamentary Committee.
  • for animal welfare, it will be referred to the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
  • the Portfolio committee will make a recommendation to Parliament on whether to pass, amend or reject the Bill.

Please note that the amendment to the Animal Testing Bill proposes amendments to two existing Acts, housed by two different departments, thus the process to amend both acts will need the co-operation of the Department of Health and the Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries.

Click here to access the Government Gazette no. 41289 on Animals Protection Amendment Bill

Below please find some updates on CTFA’s most recent discussions with both the Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries (DAFF) and the Department of Health on the matter:

  • DAFF was scheduled to present their case to Parliament on 14 June 2018, however, this did not transpire and a new date has not yet been confirmed by Parliament.
  • DAFF has assured CTFA that the industry comments will be the premise of their presentation to Parliament.
  • DAFF have contacted the Department of Health (DOH) on this Bill.
  • The DOH is aware of the industry comments and will also be using them in their
  • The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) was also contacted by DAFF to strengthen the case against the proposal.

The CTFA will keep members informed of new developments.

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