DEA IWMP Registration Reminder

Dear CTFA Member

During the latter part of 2017, the CTFA sent out member communications informing of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act (Act No 59 of 2008), Section 28 Government Notice 1353 publication by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) on the 6th of December 2017.

The notice calls for the registration of “Producers” with The Minister. The notice also calls for the submission of IWMPS to The Minister within nine months from the notice publication or the subsequent subscription to an approved IWMP within the paper and packaging material, lighting equipment and electrical and electronic priority waste streams.

The CTFA again urges industry to ensure that they meet the registration deadline on the 6th of February 2018. Registration may be applicable to you, should you be a Producer, Brand owner or Importer, Retailer or Material Supplier using industrial bulk containers (IBCS) below the stipulated 1000 litre threshold as defined in the notice. The Section 28 Registration form can be accessed below for your completion and requires the identification of your relevant mata stream dodal and Packaging).

Registration form submission details can be located at the bottom of the enclosed registration form. 

The CTFA has been engaging with the DEA on member specific registration queries. Please contact the CTFA should you require support or clarity with regards to registration with The Minister by applicable Producers, Brand owners or Importer, Retailer or Material Suppliers.

The CTFA will keep you further informed on the Industry Waste Management Plan (IWMP) submission and/or subscription aspects as they evolve.

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Thank you

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