Dear CTFA Member
On 30 November 2017, the Department of Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry (DAFF) published the Animal Protection Amendment Bill, 2017 and the Memorandum on the Objects of the Bill for public comment.
If the memorandum is accepted by Parliament this will result in the prohibition of the sale and manufacturing of cosmetics that are tested on an animal in the Republic; criminalise the testing of cosmetics on animals; and criminalise the failure to provide an animal with an appropriate environment; and related matters.
Click here to access the government gazette no. 41289 on Animal Testing:
The CTFA made contact with the Speaker of Parliament last year to understand the process involved and submitted comments to the Speaker of Parliament on 21 Dec 2017.
This memorandum has been introduced to the National Assembly and is currently under consideration by the National Assembly. Due to the overwhelming response to the gazetting of this bill, all submissions, including that of the CTFA was forwarded to the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture. The bill is currently awaiting to be placed on the programme for presentation to the committee. Here the speaker will draw the committee’s attention to the public participation aspect and submissions.
If the committee decides that the bill is desirable, it will proceed with its own public participation process which will include advertising, calling for submissions and public hearings, before deliberating and discussing possible amendments.
CTFA will at this stage resubmit the Industry’s concerns and commentary.
The CTFA is tracking the process and will keep members informed of the developments.
The CTFA Team