WTO TBT Notification Draft Standards on Glycerine and Baby Oils

Dear CTFA member

Kindly take note of the following two Ugandan draft standards:

DUS 1832:2017: this draft Uganda standard specifies requirements, sampling and test methods for glycerine for cosmetic use. The Proposed date of adoption is May 2018, and Proposed date of entry into force: Upon declaration as mandatory by the Minister for Trade, Industry and Cooperatives.

View the Notification →

DUS 1833:2017: this draft Uganda standard specifies requirements, sampling and test methods for baby oils intended for use on the babies. Products for which therapeutic claims are made are not covered by this standard. The Proposed date of adoption is May 2018  and Proposed date of entry into force: Upon declaration as mandatory by the Minister for Trade, Industry and Cooperatives.

View the Notification →

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