Industry Waste Management ‘Federation of Plans’ Notice

Dear CTFA Member

As you will recall the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No 59 of 2008) Section 28 Notice was published on 6 December 2017. Paper and packaging has been declared a priority waste by government. Each packaging waste stream (Paper, Glass, Metals, etc) will have to submit an Industry Waste Management Plan (IWMP) to the Minister by 6 September 2018, indicating how the paper and packaging industry will deal with its extended producer responsibility, decrease packaging in the environment, create employment and bring about transformation, amongst other aspects. Typically an IWMP will provide the Minister with a detailed status quo analysis of the current waste management system, set realistic targets for waste minimisation within a particular industry, outline milestone indicators with achievable time-frames for different interventions and provide for sound record-keeping systems.

Packaging SA intends to submit a Federation of Plans for the Packaging Industry as a whole. The relevant Producer Responsibility Organisations (PROS) are currently preparing these plans and are all in the process of the formal gazette period.

The CTFA has registered as a stakeholder for the IWMP process, on behalf of the cosmetic industry and will keep you informed.

The actual Federation of Plans will only be available for review and comment from the 20th July – we will send it to you as soon it is available.

Please note that the Public Comment and review is from 20th July to 20th August and you are welcome to attend. Comments received during the workshops will also be captured and considered in the finalization of the Federation of Plans

Please read the recent advert for further information and attached letter re the public participation process.

Kind Regards
Adelia Pimentel
Executive Director, CTFA

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