A high-level meeting was held on the 31st of January 2017, between the CTFA and the DOH at the DOH offices in Pretoria regarding the submitted comments on the regulations relating to the Advertising, Labelling and Composition of Cosmetic as published in Government Notice No. 40216 of 19 August 2016.
Objectives of the meeting:
- Ensure a common understanding of the South African Cosmetic Industry
- Highlight the key areas of concern as indicated from within the comments submitted by Ctfa on behalf of the industry on the draft regulations
- Agree the way forward and next steps
Discussions and outcomes:
The meeting was positive overall. Dr. Joey Gouws, Director: Inspectorate and Law Enforcement at Department of Health, complimented the Ctfa as a competent and the only recognised association, whom they would be consulting with to ensure that future regulations are conducive to a thriving cosmetic industry in South Africa. It was clear that the Ctfa submission held weight, and the industry comments were welcomed during the meeting. The DoH were keen to understand the Industry position and to have an ongoing dialogue to establish effective legislation across all sectors of the country.
Next steps:
- Currently all comments submitted are being incorporated into the draft
regulations by the DOH legal department. - The DOH confirmed that a workshop is required to include robust and detailed discussions on the comments and proposals made on the draft regulations.
- Dr Gouws was clear that the workshop should include thinking into how toempower local SMEs to comply with future regulations.
- The Ctfa has been tasked to propose a limited list of locally focussed associations/attendees for the workshop.
- Invitations to the selected attendees will be sent by the DOH.
- The workshop will happen within the first of half of 2017.
Promulgation and compliance periods will be decided after the workshop.
The Ctfa will keep you informed on developments.
Note: The cosmetic industry continues to be a self-regulated industry until such time that the regulations are promulgated